社会类 50%
全球化类 25%
媒体类 25%
Do you agree or disagree? 70%
Is it a positive or negative development? 25%
DIscuss both view and give your opinion? 5%
Some people say the gap between poor andrich is becoming wider. The rich is growing richer and the poor is growingpoorer; what causes lead to this situation and what measures can be taken toaddress the problem?有人说贫富差距变得越来越大。富人变得越来越富,穷人变得越来越穷;是什么原因导致这种局面,可以采取什么措施来解决问题?
Society is based on rules and laws, butsome people think they should do whatever they want. To what extend do youagree or disagree?我们的社会是一个法治社会,但是有人认为他们应该被允许去做想做的任何事情。在何种程度上你同意还是不同意这个观点?
Some people think that men and women have different qualities thatsome certain jobs are suitable for men and some jobs are suitable for women, towhat extent do you agree or disagree?有些人认为,由于男人和女人特点的不同,一些特定的工作适合男性而一些工作适合女性,你在何种程度上同意或者不同意?
Some people believe charity organizationshould only offer help to people of their own country; others claim that theseorganizations should give aid to people in great need wherever they live.Discuss both opinions and tell which side do you agree with?有些人认为慈善组织应该只对自己国家的人提供帮助;其他人认为,这些组织应该给予非常需要帮助的人,而无论他们居住在那里。请讨论双方的意见,并说明你同意哪一方?
Housing shortage has become a serioussocial problem, some people think the only soulution is by government actions.To what extent do you agree or disagree?住房短缺已经成为一个严重的社会问题,有些人认为只有通过政府的行动才能有一个合理的解决方案, 你在多大程度上同意或不同意?
Some people think they should keep all themoney they earn without paying taxes, others disagree. Discuss both views andgive your own opinion.一些人认为他们应该把所有他们挣到的钱归自己所有而不需要缴税,其他人则不同意这个观点。请讨论双方的观点并给出你自己的观点。
Nowadays, the differences between countriesare becoming less and less, we can enjoy the same lifestyle and culture. Whydoes this happen? What are the advantages and disadvantages?现在国家之间的差异变得越来越小,我们可以享受到相同的生活方式和文化,这是为什么?有何优点和缺点?
Rich countries should not employ skilledlabor(such as scientists, engineers ,doctors)from poor countries,as the poor countries need the workers more. To what extent do you agree ordisagree?发达国家不应该雇用贫穷国家熟练工人(造成后者人才流失),因为贫困国家需要更多的(技术)工人。你在多大程度上同意或不同意?
Several languages are in danger of extinction because they arespoken by very small numbers of people. Some people say that governments shouldspend public money on saving these languages, while others believe that wouldbe a waste of money. Discuss both of these views and give your opinion.由于较少人使用,许多语言已经濒临灭绝。有些人认为政府应该投入公共财政拯救这些语言。而也有人认为这是在浪费钱。请讨论双方的观点并给出你自己的观点。
News media are important in modern society.Why are they important? And are their influences generally positive ornegative?在现代社会,新闻媒体十分重要。为什么他们重要呢?他们的影响是积极地还是消极的?
If a products is good enough or it meetspeople needs, people will buy it.therefore,advertising is unnecessary and nomore than an entertainment, what is your opinion?如果一个产品是足够的好或它满足人们的需要,人们自然就会买它。因此,广告除了充当一个娱乐,变得是不必要的,你的意见是什么?