aerosol propellant 气溶胶火箭燃料
anti-inflammatory medicine 消炎药
aqueous ethanolic silver nitrate 乙醇硝酸银溶液
blowing agent 发泡剂
bromochlorodifluoromethane (BCF) 溴氯二氟甲烷(灭火剂)
circuit board 电路板
combustible materiall 可燃物
degreasing agent 除油剂
electrical insulation 电绝缘材料
halogenoalkanes 卤代烃
ibuprofen 布洛芬,异丁苯丙酸(解热镇痛药)
ozone ‘hole’ 臭氧层空洞
primary halogenoalkane 伯卤代烃
rheumatoid arthritis 类风湿关节炎
second halogenoalkane 仲卤代烃
silver halide precipitate 卤化银沉淀
stratosphere 平流层
tertiary halogenoalkane 叔卤代烃
the classification of halogenoalkanes 卤代烃的分类