ex: the ancient Spartans, tested the endurance of potential warriors devised various ordeals, including one that required them to run bare-legged through fields of stinging nettles. (TEST2-Section 10-5)
2. 细节:标点等
ex: Before reading the front page of the newspaper, my sister reads the sports section, my brother reads the comics first. (TEST1-SECTION 10-13)
3. 句式:主从复合句,被动语态等
Ex1:conflicts between land developers and conservationists have repeatedly arose, causing Congress to reconsider legislation that prohibits building with habitats of endangered species. (TEST 1-Section 7-20)
Note: 做SAT语法题不光要掌握足够的语法点,更重要的是对句意的理解。
Ex2: from HSK: 中国篮球队大败美国队,谁赢了?-中国队赢