ISE给你花了这么多线不是白画的,要懂得珍惜。看到题先扫视划线部分,看有没有代词动词than, the same with, 形容词副词。 有的话联系前后(注意结构!主谓宾即可),50%的题5~10秒钟就这么解决了。这里强调在你大脑里装下那4大类,是因为有方向,有具体地点地寻找错误速度准确性会很高。
然后可能你没有找到错误,请通读句子,仍然留意划线部分,看有没有MISC和你华丽忽略的前4类。没有的话就E, 胆小的放着回来再写。
Famous for their sticky feet, the gecko can run up walls and across ceilings as well as hang from a surface by its toes.
扫视。。。Their 代词,can 54,run up,hang 动词, 有can 时态,单复没问题。Their…主语是the gecko。。。
At the art show, Amy enjoyed looking at her friend mark’s innovative paintings, which she thought were more original than the other artists.
S+ V扫视。。。enjoyed动时态应该是。。thought(不划线的肯定是对的^^)…过去时。。。which 54(先只扫那4大类),后头比较(平行),警惕~ 前—‘s paintings 后 artists
集中精神练习约3~5套题后,就会有感觉了。把答案抄到题上,快速看,也可以增加感觉。 后来做题时你会把分类忘掉,因为对大类及其关键词的警惕性已经深入你心了,但思维顺序大致不变。此时功力就不错了。