看看马克吐温的家信中的一段:...here we have neither snow nor cold weather,fires are never lighted and yet summer clothes are never worn, you wear spring clothing the year around...
最后一句说you wear spring clothing the year around就恰如其分地表达了四季如春。这个句子用在口语里面,非常合适,比如要你描述你的家乡。你的家乡要是这个样子,比如昆明,就直接用了,但是如果你的家乡不是在昆明,而是在佳木斯或者乌鲁木齐,你可以说:
heavy snow and formidable winter impress every local citizen and all the tourists, if we have some in winter. Perhaps human beings have a desire to taste what they do not have. Just like those who were born in countryside want to experience the urban life and see the urban skyline, those who were born in the mountains want to see the ocean and dream of a long distance voyage full of platonic romantic stories, so I want to live in a place where people wear spring clothing the year around.