雅思口语话题:City vs. Country

  据留学360介绍,以下是关于雅思口语话题:City vs. Country的高分材料,希望对大家的备考有所帮助!

  Simplicity - a changing lifestyle

  by Byron & Catherine Pulsifer

  There are many articles and books being written on simplicity or as it is referred to voluntary simplicity. It seems to be the latest craze of the baby boomers. We are all getting older and are getting tired of the endless work day, the demands on our lives by others, and we are searching for a a simple life - voluntary simplicity.

  For us, simplicity was changing our lifestyle. The term “voluntary simplicity” applies well to us, as we were not forced to simplify, we voluntarily simplified our life. It meant giving up some things, but it has also meant that we gained a lot.

  We gave up:

  - job security and, more so, a weekly paycheck,

  - the house and the cottage,

  - the luxury of two cars in the driveway

  - dining at fine restaurants every week

  - buying the expensive clothes

  - buying on impulse

  - the conveniences of city life

  Many people thought we were crazy to leave our jobs and move to the country. And a lot of people thought we would never last, that it was just a phase we were going through. They thought we would not be able to handle the isolation of country life, especially during the winter months.

  Well, it has been a year since we gave up everything and moved to the country. And we love it. We would never want to go back to the pace of life that we had, nor do we miss the things we gave up.

  We have gained:

  - the freedom to do what we want, when we want, how we want! That in itself is worth all that we have given up

  - we have an appreciation for nature that we never previously had as we were too busy to even notice

  - we have fresh vegetables, and home cooking

  - we do what we love to do, so it is not like work

  - a relaxing way of life, where complications don‘t exist unless we complicate it

  - a simple way of life!

  In fact, what we have gained, simplicity - a simple life, far out weights what we gave up!

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[雅思口语话题:City vs. Country] 文章生成时间为:2014-11-06 05:15:09

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