了解考试规律 合理备战雅思口语


  Part 2

  You will have to talk about the topic for one to two minutes.

  You have one minute to think about what you’re going to say.

  You can make some notes to help you if you wish.

  Sample Answer

  There are many old persons I can choose to talk about. But I would just like to tell you about Lao Zhang, literally Old Zhang. Lao Zhang lives right across the street from my home in a small wooden house. Though short and thin and often ignored by people, Lao Zhang was told to be once a pilot who had flown both jet fighters in the air force and jumbo jets for civilian airlines. At that time he was not only kind and warm to people, but also quite a chatterbox once he got started. But how did he become like this now, inward, always segregating himself from all others? Some people say that it is all because of the Cultural Revolution, the ten years’ dark period, when Zhang and his wife were denounced for many false accusations. After much affliction, Zhang’s wife couldn’t take it anymore and killed herself, and since then Lao Zhang had been becoming stranger and stranger, not willing to talk to anyone, often locking himself in his dark room.

  I choose to talk about him because as a student of sociology, I feel there is a strong need for the society to care for people who had gone through those difficult years and been traumatized, especially those who are old now. Zhang is one example. We must look after them, try to heal the wound in their heart and give their last years a really enjoyable time on earth.

  人人都会变老,生老病死是自然规律,就像圣经所描述的,尘归尘,土归土(ash to ash; dust to dust),不可避免。但是人老了,除了在生理上的变化,心理上有什么样的变化呢?他们的生活又怎么样呢?他们的内心世界又如何呢?

  Part 3

  How do modern people view the idea of growing old?

  First of all, many people have a fear of becoming old: they want to remain young. It is called “gerascophobia”. Second, they are reluctant to admit their body is physically dying and there is nothing to do to stop it. So one must make full use of their limited time on earth and really give a meaning to their life.

  What role or roles do old people play in families?

  In Chinese traditional culture, people value the old people very much. They are often seen as wise, experienced and therefore often a good mentor for the young in families.

  What attitude do young people usually have toward old people?

  Generally speaking, because of the value and emphasis placed upon filial piety in China, everyone especially the young is supposed to respect them very much and think of them highly.

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[了解考试规律 合理备战雅思口语] 文章生成时间为:2014-11-08 23:58:05

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