据留学360介绍,新托福中阅读题文章题材从大的方面包括社会科学、自然科学、人文学三个大类。具体而言,又可细分为美国历史人文类(包括美国历史、美国人文),文学艺术类,自然科学类(主要包括自然现象、科技发明史、考古学、天文学、地质学五个方面),动植物性征类,社会城市发展类五个大类别。以2006年9月15日的托福考试为例,考查的三篇文章中,第一篇讨论的是海洋动物如何通过最优的捕食迅速获取所需能量的问题,这属于动植物特性类的文章。另外一篇文章讨论的是风通过怎样的原理改变地球的外表,这又恰恰属于自然科学大类中的自然现象这一小分类。最后一篇文章探讨的是关于照相技术的起源,同样属于自然科学这一大类,细分于科技发明史。 对于我这个讨厌数字的人来说,科技文章真的看不下去,不知道大家是不是也跟我一样?我在上外秦苏珊英语中心的老师跟我说阅读考试部分的文章虽然比较长,但是结构非常的工整,这和西方人结构文章的习惯以及思维习惯息息相关。Introduction, Body Paragraphs, Conclusion三个大块,大大降低了理解把握文章中心和全文结构的难度。在阅读文章的过程中,一定要仔细阅读文章的首段(有时也有尾段),因为重要的信息会在这里得到充分的体现。
With regard to the reasons for the extinction of dinosaurs, it is still being studied. For a long time, the most authoritative view, and the extinction of the dinosaurs 6500 years ago about a large meteorite. According to the study, there was a 7-10 km in diameter asteroid will fall on the earth‘s surface, causing a large explosion, such as throwing a lot of dust in the atmosphere to form the Zhetianbiri House of Sand and Fog, led to the suspension of plant photosynthesis , And therefore the extinction of the dinosaurs.
Asteroid impact theory quickly gained the support of many scientists. In 1991, in Mexico’s Yucatan Peninsula occurred in the discovery of a long period of the meteorite impact craters, the fact is further evidence of this point of view. Today, this view seems to have become a conclusion.
But there are also many people for such an asteroid impact on the skeptical, because the fact is: frogs, crocodiles and many other very sensitive to the temperature of the animals have resisted and survived the Cretaceous. This theory can not explain why only the dinosaurs died. To date, scientists have put forward for the cause of the extinction of dinosaurs have been no fewer than a dozen scenarios, more wealth to the dramatic and exciting, “said the meteorite collision,” but it is one of them.
In addition to the “meteorite collision”, the extinction of dinosaurs on the main point of view there are the following: