The argument
1. In this argument, the arguer recommend (conclude) that…
2. This recommendation is based on the result (evidence; fact) of the survey that…
3. In addition, the arguer assumes this…
4. A careful examination would review how groundless the argument (conclusion) is…
1. The survey on which the argument relies lacks credibility and therefore does not lend strong support to what the arguer assumes.
2. The statistical evidence on which the argument depends is so vague (unrepresentative) that it does not validate the auger’s assumption (claim).
1. The argument rests on the unfounded(unconvincing, unreasonable, gratuitous, groundless, unwarranted) assumption that…
2. The arguer fails to take Into account other possible factors that might (lend to, result in)…
3. The arguer ignores other relevant factors concerning +名词结构
4. The arguer fails to convince us that (sb of)…
5. The evidence provided in this argument is not sufficient to validate the assumption that…
1. The arguer fails to provide solid (any, sufficient, concrete) evidence to prove that …/to support the assumption that…/to validate the assumption that …/quarantine the conclusion that…
2. Another point worth concerning is that the arguer fails to take into account…
3. The reasoning that …is open to doubt /unreliable/problematic.
4. Another assumption in short of legitimacy is the causal of relationship between A&B./…is that /the claim that…
5. The fact that …says little (nothing) about…
1. 采取推测法,推测有可能的例证,反例,推测作者论证可导致的其他结论。
It is likely (possible) that…
It is impossible that…
One possibility is that…another possibility is that…the third possibility is that…
May, might, perhaps
2. 假设
If… even If; granted that …we can not ensure that… ,unless….
1、In this conclusion, the arguer fails to validate the claim that… To solidify the argument .the arguer should supply more evidence to Indicate (demonstrate) that…In addition, the arguer would have to rule out the above-mentioned possibilities that might undermine the auger’s conclusion.
2、To sum up, the conclusion lacks of credibility because the evidence cited in the analysis does not lend strong support to what the auger claims. to make the argument more convincing ,the arguer would have to provide more Information concerning …
3、As It stands, the argument Is not well reasoned .to make It logically acceptable ,the arguer should provide more concrete evidence to demonstrate that …what’s more ,the arguer must supply more 具体化 Information to strong the conclusion.
1. To conclusion, the argument Is not persuasive as It stands, before we accept the claim, the arguer must provide more substantial facts to prove that…
2. In summary, the conclusion reached In this argument Is Invalid and misleading, to make the argument more convincing, the arguer would have to prove that…moreover, I would suspend my judgement about the credibility of the recommendation until the arguer can provide more concrete and reliable evidence.
1、There Is much controversy over the Issue of…Some people claim that …while others believe that…in the last analysis I argue that…
2、The Issue of … Is a very controversial one (arouses much controversy among people with different perspectives and background). Although many people believe that …I argue that…(I debt whether the argument bears close examination).
3、Now it is widely believe that …as opposed to the commonly held view, I argue that…
4、The speaker asserts that …while I agree that…I insist that…
5、There Is much concern over the Issue of … the arguer advocate that …we do not (绿皮书65页)
6、According to the title statement…although it is commonly held that …It is unlikely be true that…