据留学360介绍,GMAT写作中激励话题,在GMAT ISSUE题库中非常多,也是相对比较专业的一个话题,很多同学写这个话题的时候流于形式,我个人认为,对于GMAT写作而言,写出你的思想甚至一些专业水准更重要,因此以下给大家首先补充一下我们应该如何理解激励话题,员工激励对于企业发展的重要作用,之后在补充一段员工激励话题素材。
How to motivate employees.
“What motivates good employees is the ability to see projects through to their completion. While the actual process of monitoring this flow may be the specific task of one employee—a project manager—it is important for this employee to, in turn, recognize that every employee involved in the workflow should be able to see the finished product once it is complete, and gain an understanding of his or her importance in the project as a whole. In addition, a motivating work environment must be one in which employees are treated fairly. No matter what level of input a particular worker has in relation to the business processes as a whole, it is essential for a manager to give each employee a sense of playing a dynamic, integral role in something much larger. Indeed, engendering loyalty is a key element of motivating workers and thereby increasing the overall productivity of operations.”