


  十七、 Listening situations: student survey about business organizations, Placement of company


  nCompany, corporation, firm, business organization

  nMarketing, advertising, financial problem, administration, products, packaging, online shopping, import, export, domestic market, international market, producer, manufacturer, brand loyalty (children)

  nSales: new product, promotion, discount, concession, on sale, half price, normal price, 50% off, bargain

  nFinance: money, loan, low-interest, no-interest, fund, investment, capital, debt, bankrupt, bankruptcy, good value, profit, profitable

  nPersonnel: manager, business executives, board of directors, employers, employees, senior managers, engineers, designer, merchandiser, technician, accountants

  nQuotation and enquiry

  十八、 Listening situations: travel

  现代社会生活节奏非常快,人们的压力也越来越大,越来越多的人选择在节假日去旅游来彻底放松自己。巧合的是,雅思听力也一直把旅游作为一个重点考察的场景,出现频率非常高,平均两三次考试就会出现对这一场景的考查。近来雅思也越来越多的考查一些新鲜的概念,比如wreck diving 就是关于沉船的。在实际教学中,我都会告诉学生,出国留学当然要以学业有成作为第一目标,除此以外,我还会告诉他们不要浪费了这个能到处走走,体验不同种族,文化和生活习惯的机会,这必将对今后的生活和就业带来非常积极的影响。同时,这个场景牵扯到的细节非常多,包括旅行前的准备,所带物品,文件证件以及交通方式等,需要广大烤鸭们特别小心。

  nTypes: trip, outing, excursion, tour, journey, voyage, package tour, inclusive holiday, economical travel

  nScenery: scene, main attraction, resort, sight, view, place of interest

  nInteresting places: temple, gallery, museum, rainforest, cave, town, tribe, park, waterfalls, jungle, sea view, farm travel, maritime museum, aquarium

  nfeature: scuba diving, wreck diving, bush walking, parachuting, fungi tour, four-wheel drive, crocodile cruise,package tour, excursion, walking tour, surfing,snowboarding

  ntransportation: bus, train, express train, subway, tube, tram, ferry, sailing boat, metro, shuttle, coach, taxi, cab, motorbike, bicycle, plane, airline, flight, by air (N.B. donkeys, camels, mule, horse), hire car

  ntickets: one way /single, round / return, first-class ticket, economy ticket, ticket reservation, family ticket, discounted ticket, weekend bus tickets

  nWhat to bring (clothing): sweater, raincoat, windproof coat, trousers, boots, socks, trainers, uniforms, spare socks, sunhat

  nWhat to bring (medicine): antibiotics, penicillin, aspirin, painkillers, sleeping pills, sun cream (sun total block)

  nWhere to stay: hotel, hostel, motel, hotel rooms (en suite), car park

  nWhat to buy: souvenir, gifts, local history books, handicraft, antique, painting, fruit (apple, tomato, cucumber, figs, pineapple, passion fruit), bottled water (no minerals), drinks

  nPersonal interest: weather, food, natural environment, culture, art, exhibition, rare fish, coral roof, rock pool, free balloon ride

  ncustoms inspections: luggage, baggage, labels

  Listening situations: sports and fitness

  nSports and playing venues:

  soccer, football (pitch)

  badminton, squash, basketball, volleyball, tennis (court)

  aerobics (fitness centre, gym, gymnasium)

  yoga (yoga hall)

  table tennis (table tennis table, table tennis hall)

  ice skating (ice rink) ice curling (sheet, house)

  martial arts: judo, karate, boxing, kick boxing, shadow boxing, wrestling (hall)

  weight training, weight lifting, stretching exercises (warming up to prevent injuries)

  nsports professionals

  athletes, sportsman, sportswoman, sports players, sports competitors, sports instructors, sports psychologist, sports administrator, coach, head coach, referee, sport club, chairman, president

  nsports games/matches: score, scoring, teams, junior team, senior team, win/lose the game, sports prizes, presentation of awards, sports equipment

  nFitness center membership: annual fee, fitness card (gold, off-peak gold, silver, bronze), health check (assessment)

  十九、 listening situations: school, university orientation, students admissions, transfer


  nwelcome address (president, chancellor, principal, coordinator, DOS, students counselor/advisor, admission officer)

  nlocation: city centre, central area; suburbs, outskirts; country, rural area, village

  nfacilities and services:

  catering: dining room, refectory, canteen, restaurant, cafeteria, café, refreshments, snacks, takeout, takeaway, pub

  accommodation service

  academic/research facilities: library, laboratory (equipment)

  teaching premises: lecture hall, theatre, room, function room, common room

  welfare: medical centre, nursery, career advisory centre

  nAdvantages and disadvantages: subjects/disciplines, courses, welfare

  nschool map: entrance: front gate, side gate, back gate, rear gate, fire door

  nbuildings: block, highrise, main building, wings, annexes, complex, extension Activities: school tour, chorus, orchestra, chess, tea and coffee break

  nstudent association, club, society, community, student union

  nnotice: notice board, news bulletin, poster, newsletters, website, publicity leaflets, email, ring

  二十、 listening situations: training class


  nclasses: music, painting, fun drawing (scenery, objects, persons), model making, sculpture, wood work, cooking, musical instruments, singing, dancing, voice, ballet, foreign languages

  ntrainees: age, children, pupils, secondary school students, college students, new comers, freshman

  nlevel: elementary, intermediate, advanced

  ncost and payment: discount, off, cash, cheque, credit, credit card, bank transfer, free of charge, pay in advance, pay at the door, pay at the end of the class, book in advance

  nmaterials to bring: mats, trainers, rubber-soled shoes

  paper, color paper, silver paper, golden paper, dye, pens,

  color pens, pencils

  glue, sticker, tape, notebook

  music instruments: guitar, drum, flute, piano, violin

  nprocedures: cut, overlap, fold, stick, dye

  nprizes/award: gold star, CD

  nfree service: lunch, refreshments, salad, tea, coffee, hot meal, sandwiches, hamburgers, veggie burger, free travel (to Rome)

  二十一、 Listening situations: bank

  银行场景中涉及到的考点有:银行名称,银行账户类型,信用卡额度,申请学生账户需要的证明和文件,转账,手续费等。雅思考试研究中心需要提醒考生们注意的是,西方社会总体来说是非常讲诚信的,广大中国留学生要特别注意,不要留下任何不良记录,否则会对自己的promising future带来不利的影响。

  nBank accounts: current account, deposit account, savings account

  nBank documents: chequebook, credit card, bank statement, bonus statement, banker’s card, traveler’s cheque

  nBank services: withdraw, withdrawal, deposit, loan, overdraft, interest, honor/cash one’s cheque, online banking, internet service, exchange foreign currency

  nBank equipment: ATM, automatic teller machine, cash point machine

  nBank staff: bank teller, bank manager, bank branch

  nCredit card:

  nType: visa card, master card, American express card

  nCard no.

  nCard limit / credit limit

  二十二、 Listening situations: automobile



  nCar make: Ford, Seable

  nCar model

  nCar type: four-wheel drive, SUVs/sport-utility vehicle

  nEngine size: litre (engine capacity)

  nGear change: automatic gear/Manual gear

  nCar insurance

  nCar parts: windscreen, rain wiper, engine hood, air-conditioning, music equipment, stereo, safety belt, steering wheel, brake, back seat, rear-view mirror

  nCar parking: car park, parking permit, parking sticker, parking lot, garage


  nDriver, chauffeur, driving licence, driver’s license

  nCar safety: safe driving, car theft

  二十三、 Listening situations: party

  这个话题广泛出现于雅思考试第一部分,场景包括生日party, goodbye party, 以及一些公司或者同学聚会等。预定场地,预算,要求等的表达都是考察的重点。我们经常称呼一些爱出现于各种party的人为party animal。其实party是西方人尤其是年轻人的一种生活方式,不但能缓解压力、彻底放松,而且还能扩大自己的交际面。我个人建议中国学生可以去接触和适应这种社交的方式,但是也要把握好尺度,把party的负面影响降到最低。

  nBirthday party, goodbye party, farewell party, leaving party, welcome party, dinner party

  nPlace: hotel, restaurant, rooms (green, red, yellow), halls (function hall, sports hall, main hall), sea view, children’s playground, disabled access, food choices

  nStandard, traditional, dinner options

  nWhat to prepare: music, snacks, decorations, birthday party hats, balloons, cakes, coffee, sandwiches, hamburgers, veggie burgers, drinks, flowers, long tables

  nPeople who will attend: friends, teachers, tutor, classmates, family members

  nPrice: included, excluded, extra cost


  二十四、 Listening situations: science and technology


  nTypes: Seawater purifying system, solar power, hydropower, timing system, ink printing, fashion design

  nEquipment: container, water tank, sandglass, sunlight clock, water clock, fire clock, pigment, printing ink, plate, blanket, air pump

  nProcess: kill germs/bacteria

  nApplications: domestic/family, hospital, schools, factory

  nAdvantages and disadvantages: cost, effective, fast, slow, time-saving, user-friendly

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[雅思听力必备词汇—情景篇(三)] 文章生成时间为:2015-01-13 02:40:31

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