1. +——plus;positive
2. -——minus;negative
3.×——multipliedby ;times
4.÷——divided by
5. =——equals
7.≠——not equal to
8. <——less than
9. >——greater than
10.≤——equal to orless than
11.≥——equal to orgreater than o
12.( )——roundbrackets ;parentheses
13.[ ]——squarebrackets
14.{ }——braces
15. ∈——isa member of the set
16. ?——is a subset of
17. ∽——similarto
18. ≌——congruentto
19.*——denotes anoperation
20. ∴——therefore
21. ∵——because
22. ∶——ratiosign, divided by, is to
23. ∷——equals,as(proportion);square rootof;cube root of
24. ∥——parallelto
25. ⊥——perpendicularto, at right angles with
26. ∠——angle
27. ∟——rightangle
29. ′——minute
30. ″——second
31. ⊙——circle
32.A?B——arc AB
33.e——the base ofnatural logarithms,approx.2.71828
34.x!——factorial x,x(x-1)(x-2)—1
35.lognx——log x to thebase n
37.lnx——log x to thebase e(natural logarithm)
38.lgx——log x to thebase 10(common logarithm)
39. |x|——the absolute value of x