【V1】说某城市为了减少空气污染物排放量 emission,出台了一项措施,工厂有一个排放量的 credit, 不能超过这个配额排放,如果超过了就必须向其他工厂购买配额。其他工厂可以出售,而且是高价。所以那个城市说这项措施会刺激工厂有更好的 financial incitive (动力,刺激那个词,看着了认识,不会写,囧)来降低排放量,问题的问法很tricky, 问以下哪项如果为true,可以eliminate the possiblity that the plan will be a loop.(意思就是以下哪项可以降低这个措施会造成这些工厂都超额排放购买别的credit的死循环)
考古中的题目分析——逻辑链:1)工厂有排放废气的credit不能超过配额 2)超过必须向其他工厂高价购买配额? 给工厂降低排量的financial incentive
v1 和prep 07 上的这道题很像,但是呢题干由有点区别,而且问的是strength:
In countries in which newlife-sustaining drugs cannot be patented, such drugs are sold at widely affordable prices; those same drugs, where patented, command premium pricesbecause the patents shield patent-holding manufacturers from competitors. These facts show that future access to newlife-sustaining drugs can be improved if the practice of granting patents onnewly developed life-sustaining drugs were to be abolished everywhere.
Which of the following, if true,most seriously weakens the argument?
(A) In countries in whichlife-sustaining drugs cannot be patented, their manufacture is nevertheless aprofitable enterprise.
(B) Countries that do not currentlygrant patents on life-sustaining drugs are, for the most part, countries withlarge populations.
(C) In some countries specificprocesses for the manufacture of pharmaceutical drugs can be patented even incases in which the drugs themselves cannot be patented.
(D) Pharmaceutical companies canafford the research that goes into the development of new drugs only if patentsallow them to earn high profits.
(E) Countries that grant patents onlife-sustaining drugs almost always ban their importation from countries thatdo not grant such patents.