

  able to, ability to, accede to, according to, account for, accuse of , acquaint with, agree with, allow for, amount to, appear to, apply to, argue over, as __ as, associate with, assure that, at a disadvantage, attempt to, attend to, attention to, attest to, attribute to, available to, afflicted with, argue with, averse to, ask of, agree to, angry at

  based on, because of, believe to be, between [a] and , call for, craving for, choice of, choose from, choose to, claim to, collaborate with, conclude that, consequence of, consider, consistent with, continue to, contrast with, contribute to, convert to, cost to/of, credit with, comply with, conform to, consider to be, composed of, compare with/to, consist in, consist with, consist of, correspond to, correspond with

  date from, deal with, debate over, decide to, defend against, define as, delighted by, demonstrate that, depend on, depict as, descend from, different from, difficult to, distinguish [a] from , draw on, due to, desirous of, divergent from, decide on, [in an] effort to, either…or, enamored with, encourage to, estimate to be, expose to, extend to, extent of, equal, equal to, fear that, fluctuations in, forbid to, force to, frequency of, from [a] to , fail in

  hypothesize that, in contrast to, in danger of, in order to, in violation of, inclined to, infected with, instead of, introduce to, isolate from, intent to, in search of, inside, just as…so too, less than, likely to, liken to

  mistake for, model after, more than, move away from, meet with, meet, [a] native of, native to, neither…nor, not [a] but , not only…but also, not so much…as, necessity of, necessity for, name, on account of, opportunity for, opportunity to, opposed to, opposite of, ought to, off

  prejudiced against, permit to, persuade to, predisposed to, pressure to, prevent from, prized by, prohibit from, protect against, provide with, preferable to, prior to, partake of, practice for, practice to, practice of, question whether, range from [a] to , rather than, regard as, replace with, require to, required of, [the] responsibility to, responsible for, result from, result in, rule that, result of

  [the] same as, see as, send to, sense of so…that, spend on, subject to, substitute [a] for , suffer from, superior to, supplant by, suspicious of, sympathy for, sympathize with, separate from, target at, think of…as, threaten to, train to, transit to, try to, type of, tamper with, tie to, try to, tend, tend to, use as, [the] use of, view as, vote for, visit, willing to, worry about


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[GMAT语法搭配解析] 文章生成时间为:2015-01-15 19:05:43

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