这篇托福阅读模拟试题的主要内容是讨论情绪的表达——The Expression of Emotion。人的情绪是如何表达的,在表达情绪方面,世界上的人所用的方式是不是相同的呢?面部表情和情绪之间有什么联系呢?带着这些问题我们来看下面的托福阅读模拟试题。
1. ○ 2
This is a Vocabulary question. The word being tested is despondent. It is highlighted in the passage. The correct answer is choice 2, “unhappy.” The sentence in which the highlighted word appears uses despondent as a contrast to happy. Since unhappy is the opposite of happy, it provides the fullest possible contrast and is equivalent to the contrast between Joy and sadness at the beginning of the sentence.
2. ○ 3
This is a Rhetorical Purpose question. It is asking you why the author mentions “baring the teeth in a hostile way” in the passage. This phrase is highlighted in the passage. The correct answer is choice 3; baring the teeth is an example of a facial expression whose meaning is widely understood. The central theme of paragraph 1 of the passage is facial expressions that are universal. The author provides various examples of such expressions, and baring the teeth is mentioned as a universal sign of anger. The other choices are all mentioned in the passage, but not in conjunction with baring the teeth, so they are all incorrect.
3. ○ 2
This is a Vocabulary question. The word being tested is concur. It is highlighted in the passage. The correct answer is choice 2, “agree.” Concur means to agree, so if investigators concur about the meaning of certain facial expressions, they agree on their meaning.
4. ○ 3
This is a Reference question. The word being tested is them, and it is highlighted in the passage. This is a simple pronoun-referent item. The word them refers to the photographs that Paul Eckman showed to people from diverse cultures, so the correct answer is choice 3, “photographs.”
5. ○ 3
This is a Factual Information question asking for specific information that can be found in paragraph 2. The correct answer is choice 3, which states that the Fore people of New Zealand knew very little about Western culture. The paragraph explicitly says that the Fore had almost no contact with Western culture. None of the other three choices is mentioned in connection with the Fore, so none of them is correct.
6. ○ 3
This is a Sentence Simplification question. As with all of these items, a single sentence in the passage is highlighted:
The Fore also displayed familiar facial expressions when asked how they would respond if they were the characters in stories that called for basic emotional responses.
The correct answer is choice 3. It contains all of the essential ideas in the highlighted sentence without changing the meaning. This choice says that the Fore “exhibited the same relationship of facial and basic emotions that is seen in Western culture when they acted out stories.” The sentence that precedes the highlighted sentence states that in a survey, the Fore agreed with Westerners on how various emotions are portrayed. Then the highlighted sentence says that in a different situation (story-telling) the Fores‘ expressions were also familiar; that is, these expressions were the same as those exhibited by Westerners in this situation. Choices 1 and 2 are incorrect because each one changes the highlighted sentence into a statement that is not true. Choice 4 is incorrect because it says that the Fore were familiar with the facial expressions of characters in stories. The highlighted sentence says that it was the investigators who were familiar with the Fores’ expressions. This is a change in meaning, so it is incorrect.
7. ○ 1
This is a Factual Information question asking for specific information that can be found in the passage. The correct answer is choice 1, emotions that are not expressed become less intense. This is correct based on the direct quotation of Darwin in paragraph 3. In that quotation, Darwin says that emotions that are freely expressed become more intense, while “on the other hand those that are not freely expressed are “softened,” meaning that they become less intense. Choices 2, 3, and 4 are all incorrect because there is nothing in the passage that indicates Darwin ever believed these things about expressing emotions. Some or all of them may actually be true, but there is nothing in this passage that supports them.
8. ○ 1
This is a Factual Information question asking for specific information that can be found in the passage. You can see that the phrase “The facial-feedback hypothesis” is highlighted where it first appears in the passage in paragraph 3. The correct answer is choice 1, research supporting this hypothesis came from studying experiments of the reactions of people to cartoons. This idea is found in paragraph 4, which uses these experiments as an example of how facial feedback works. Choice 3, the release of neurotransmitters, is mentioned in paragraph 5 but, not in connection with the facial-feedback hypothesis, so it is incorrect. Choices 2 and 4 are not explicitly mentioned at all in the passage.
9. ○ 1
This is a Vocabulary question. The word being tested is rate, and it is highlighted in the passage. The correct answer is choice 1, “judge.” Rate in this context means “to judge.”
10. ○ 4
This is a Vocabulary question. The word being tested is relevant, and it is highlighted in the passage. The correct answer is choice 4, “applicable. “Relevant means that Ekman‘s observation applies (”is applicable“) to an expression.
11. ○ 4
This is a Factual Information question asking for specific information that can be found in the passage. The correct answer is choice 4; stiffening the upper lip may either heighten or reduce emotional response. This is stated explicitly in paragraph 6 of the passage as a possible paradox in the relationship between facial expressions and emotions.
Choice 1 is incorrect because paragraph 6 contradicts it.
Choice 2 is incorrect because the passage mentions only the fear and tension of a person trying to keep a stiff upper lip, not any fear or tension that expression may cause in others.
Choice 3 is incorrect because there is no suggestion anywhere in the passage that stiffening the upper lip may damage lip muscles.
12. ○3
This is an Insert Text question. You can see the four black squares in paragraph 2 that represent the possible answer choices here.
Most investigators concur that certain facial expressions suggest the same emotions in all people. Moreover, people in diverse cultures recognize the emotions manifested by the facial expressions. II In classic research Paul Ekman took photographs of people exhibiting the emotions of anger, disgust, fear, happiness, and sadness. . He then asked people around the world to indicate what emotions were being depicted in them. Those queried ranged from European college students to members of the Fore, a tribe that dwells in the New Guinea highlands. All groups, including the Fore, who had almost no contact with Western culture, agreed on the portrayed emotions. The Fore also displayed familiar facial expressions when asked how they would respond if they were the characters in stories that called for basic emotional responses. Ekman and his colleagues more recently obtained similar results in a study of ten cultures in which participants were permitted to report that multiple emotions were shown by facial expressions. The participants generally agreed on which two emotions were being shown and which emotion was more intense.
The sentence provided, “This universality in the recognition of emotions was demonstrated by using rather simple methods,” is best inserted at square 3. Square 3 is correct because the inserted sentence begins with the phrase “This universality.” The universality being referred to is the fact, stated in the second sentence, that “people in diverse cultures recognize the emotions manifested by the facial expressions.”
None of the other answer choices follows a sentence that contains a universal statement. Sentence 1 mentions that “Most investigators concur,” which means that some do not. Therefore this is not a universal statement. Squares 2 and 4 are incorrect because there is nothing in either sentence to which “This universality” could refer.
13. ○2 4 6
This is a Prose Summary question. It is completed correctly below. The correct choices are 2, 4, and 6. Choices 1, 3, and 5 are therefore incorrect.
研究心理学的学者们通常认为,面部表情可以反映人们内心的情绪状态。事实上,各种情绪状态的波动都会使得面部肌肉和大脑的电波活动增加。然而,脸部回馈假说论者们却坚持,面部表情和情绪之间的因果关系也可能是反的。他们认为,脸部肌肉承载的信号会被传至大脑的控制情绪的部位中,因此人类面部表情会影响他们的情绪。试想达尔文的话:“自由的情绪表达方式会增强心中的情感。相反,如果抑制这种表达则会削弱心中的情感。” 比如,微笑可以让你心情大好吗?皱眉会让你变得愤怒吗?