audit n.检查(项目) [audire audit- hear audition听觉;试听(歌手等)]
auditorium n.听众席,观众席;大讲堂 [ neut. of auditorius (adj.): AUDITORY, -ORIUM]
augment v.增加 [ augment(n), augere increase]
augury n.占兆 [ augurie or augurium AUGUR]
august a.堂堂的;威风凛凛的 [ auguste or augustus consecrated, venerable]
aural a.耳的;听觉的 [ auris ear auricular耳的;听觉的;耳语的]
aureate a.金色的;灿烂的 [ aureatus aureus golden aurum gold]
aureole n.光环 [aureola(corona), = golden(crown), fem of aureolus]
auroral a.北极光的 [AURORA 极光;夜晚女神]
auscultation n.听诊 [auscultatio auscultare listen to]
auspice n.前兆;赞助;资助 [under the ~s of the company = under the company orig‘observation of bird-flight in divination’:auspex] [observer avis bird.
auspicate [开张;开幕式]
auspicious a.幸运的 [(auspice 的形容词)an ~ sign 吉兆 auspicial 占卜的;幸运的]
austere a.苛刻的 [austeros severe austerity严格,朴素;节约生活]
austral a.南方的;向南的 [ australis Auster south wind]
authentic a.可信的,确实的,真正的 [autentique authentikos principal,genuine]
authenticate v.证实;鉴定;使生效 [medL authenticare: AUTHENTIC确实的,可信的]
authoritative a.权威的;可靠的 [authorization 授权;委任;认可,授权书]
authorize v.授权;委任;认为正当 [auctor: AUTHOR authoritative权威的authorization授权]