autocrat n.独裁者 [AUTO-, kratos power autocracy独裁政治]
autodidact n.自学者 [AUTO- + didact as DIDACTIC]
automatism n.自动;自动作用 [automate AUTOMATON自动机械装置;机器人(robot)]
automaton n.自动机器;机器人 [ neut of automatos acting of itself: AUTO-automatism自动]
autonomous a.自主的 [AUTONOMY自制,自制团体 auto自己+nomous法律]
autopsy n.验尸 [ autopsie or modL autopsia autoptes eye-witness]
autotelic a.自己本身具有目的的 [AUTO- + Gk telos end]
auxiliary n.a.帮助者;辅助的 [ auxiliarius auxilium help]
avail v.利益;效用 [vail (v.) valoir be worth valere]
avalanche n.雪崩;涌至 [alt of dial lavanche after avaler descend]
avarice n.贪婪 [avaritia avarus greedy avaricious贪婪的]
avatar n.神之化身;具体化 [avatara descent down+tr- pass over]
avenge v.报仇;复仇 [ vindicare vindicate(“要求”)证明<某人>无辜或清白]
aver v.断言 [ averer(AD-, verus true) averment 断言,主张;申辩]
averse a.不愿意的;反对的 [ aversus(AVERT)aversion嫌恶,反感;讨厌的人]
avert v.避开;掉开 [ avertere(AB-, vertere vers- turn): partly avertir Rmc]
aviary n.鸟的小屋;禽舍 [avi鸟+ary场所 aviatrix女飞行员 avian 鸟类的]
aviate v.用飞机飞行 [back-form. AVIATION]
aviculture n.养鸟;鸟类饲养 [ avis bird, after AGRICULTURE]
avid a.贪婪的;渴望的 [ avide or avidus avere crave]
avocation n.副业;嗜好 [ avocatio avocare call away]
avouch v.保证;确说 [ avochier advocare(AD-, vocare call)]
avow v.公开承认 [avouer acknowledge(AD-, vocare call) avowal声明,承认]
avuncular a.如叔(伯)父的 [ avunculus maternal uncle, dimin of avusgrandfather]
await v.等待;准备作……之用 [AD-, waitier WAIT]
awe n.敬畏 [awe-inspiring令人起敬畏心(恐怖心)的]
awhile ad.暂时;暂且 [ ane hwile a while]
awning n.雨篷;凉篷 [awning window 遮蓬窗 awn(麦等之)芒(beard)]
awry ad.歪;斜;错误地 [A+WRY(一时)不高兴的;皱眉的;讽刺的]
axiom n.定理 [axios worthy axiomatic公理的;格言的]
axiomatic a.公理的;通则的 [axiom(数学逻辑)公理 axiom of choice (数)选择公理]
axle n.轮轴;轴;车轴 [axle-tree axel-tre]
azure a.天青色的 [ asur, azur, Arab al the+lazaward]