

  017. After the peak year of 1957, the birth rate in Canada began to decline. It continued falling until in 1966, it stood at the lowest level in 25 years.

  The word “peak” is closest in meaning to which of following?

  (A) pointed

  (B) dismal

  (C) mountain

  (D) maximum

  018. Although the growth in Canada‘s population had slowed down by 1966 (the increase the first half of the 1960’s was only nine percent) , another large population wave was coming over the horizon. It would be composed of the children who were born during the period of the high birth rate prior to 1957.

  The phrase “prior to” is closest in meaning to which of following?

  (A) behind

  (B) since

  (C) during

  (D) preceding

  019. Advocates of organic foods --- a term whose meaning varies greatly --- frequently proclaim that such products are safer and more nutritious than others.

  The word “Advocates” is closest in meaning to which of following?

  (A) Proponents

  (B) Merchants

  (C) Inspectors

  (D) Consumers

  020. There are numerous unsubstantiated reports that natural vitamins are superior to synthetic ones, that fertilized eggs are nutritionally superior to unfertilized eggs, that untreated grains are better than fumigated grains, and the like.

  The word “unsubstantiated” is closest in meaning to which of following?

  (A) unbelievable

  (B) uncontested

  (C) unpopular

  (D) unverified

  021. But in many cases consumers are misled if they believe organic foods can maintain health and provide better nutritional quality than conventionally grown foods. So there is real cause for concern if consumers, particularly those with limited incomes, distrust the regular food supply and buy only expensive organic foods instead.

  The word “maintain” is closest in meaning to which of following?

  (A) improve

  (B) monitor

  (C) preserve

  (D) restore

  022. In addition, there were performers and since considerable importance was attached to avoiding mistakes in the enactment of rites, religious leaders usually assumed that task.

  The word “considerable” is closest in meaning to which of following?

  (A) thoughtful

  (B) substantial

  (C) relational

  (D) ceremonial

  023. In addition, there were performers and since considerable importance was attached to avoiding mistakes in the enactment of rites, religious leaders usually assumed that task. The word “enactment” is closest in meaning to which of following?

  (A) establishment

  (B) performance

  (C) authorization

  (D) season

  024. Staggering tasks confronted the people of the United States, North and South, when the Civil War ended. About a million and a half soldiers from both sides had to be demobilized, readjusted to civilian life, and reabsorbed by the devastated economy.

  The word “Staggering” is closest in meaning to which of following?

  (A) specialized

  (B) confusing

  (C) various

  (D) overwhelming

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[精选托福词汇练习题介绍(3)] 文章生成时间为:2015-02-08 03:05:56

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