229. Although the phlogiston theory was self- consistent, it was awkward because it required that imaginative, even mysterious, properties be ascribed to phlogiston.
The phrase “ascribed to” is closest in meaning to which of following?
(A) analyzed and isolated in
(B) returned to their original condition in
(C) assumed to be true of
(E) diagrammed with
230. In the eighteenth century, Antoine Lavoisier, on the basis of careful experimentation was led to propose a different theory of burning, one that required a constituent of air-later shown to be oxygen- for combustion.
The word “constituent” is closest in meaning to which of following?
(A) component
(B) opposite
(C) principle
(D) temperature
241. The scientific investigation of an experience as private as consciousness is frustratingly beyond the usual tools of the experimental psychologist. This may be one reason that many researchers have shied away from the notion of mind and consciousness in nonhuman animals.
The phrase “shied away from” is closest in meaning to which of following?
(A) approached
(B) avoided
(C) respected
(D) allowed
242. Gallup‘ report of the experiment, published in a 1970 article, was a milestone in our understanding of animal minds, and psychologists wondered how widespread self- recognition would prove to be.
The word “milestone” is closest in meaning to which of following?
(A) significant development
(B) initial step
(C) universal concept
(D) obstruction to progress
243. Biological diversity has become widely recognized as a critical conservation issue only in the past two decades.
The word “critical” is closest in meaning to which of following?
(A) negative
(B) essential
(C) interesting
(D) complicated
244. The high rate of species extinctions in these environments is jolting, but it is important to recognize the significance of biological diversity in all ecosystems.
The word “jolting” is closest in meaning to which of following?
(A) predicted
(B) shocking
(C) unknown
(D) illuminating
245. However, nothing has ever equaled the magnitude and speed with which the human species is altering the physical and chemical world and demolishing the environment.
The word “magnitude” is closest in meaning to which of following?
(A) concern
(B) determination
(C) carelessness
(E) extent
246. The conservatism of the early English colonists in North American, their strong attachment to the English way of doing things, would play a major part in the furniture that was made in New England.
The phrase “attachment to “ is closest in meaning to which of following?
(A) control of
(B) distance from
(C) curiosity about
(D) preference for