They would have to decorate and get new furniture.
译 他们必须要装修房屋并且买新的家具。
释 v.装饰
记 décor(舞台装饰)+ate(动词后缀)→装饰
近 adorn,beautify,embellish
引 decoration n.装饰,装饰品
In A. D. 394, Emperor Theodosius I of Rome decreed that the Olympic Games should cease to take place.
译 在公元394年,罗马狄奥多修大帝宣布奥运会停止举办。
释 v.颁布(法令)n.法令
近 canon,rule,precept
引 issue a decree颁布法令
The city buses are in decrepit condition, but the transit company does not have funds to purchase new ones.
译 城市公交车破旧不堪,但运输公司却没有资金购买新的。
释 adj.破旧的;衰老的
记 de(表强调)+crepit(发出噪音)→破旧的
近 feeble,insubstantial,unsound
引 decrepitude n.衰老
You can use embroidery stitches for further decoration.
译 你可以用刺绣来进一步装饰。
释 n.刺绣
记 em(使)+broid(扭)+ery(名词后缀)→使(线)扭在一起→刺绣
近 ornamentation,needlework
引 embroiderer n刺绣工
The embryos were tested to determine their sex prior to implantation.
译 在移植前通过测试判定了胚胎的性别。
释 n.胚胎;萌芽
近 rudiment,nucleus,germ