

  miss coming to one of sth. // only once or twice at the most ----> come to most of sth。

  miss one‘s first class ----> oversleep

  mix up ----> confuse

  money seems to burn a whole in one’s pocket ----> not have enough money

  more ----> additional

  more detailed explanation ----> addition information

  more expensive ----> cost mare than

  more letters ----> has written a lot of letters recently

  more passive ----> less active

  more time ----> very time-consuming

  move off ----> not live in

  move to ----> location changes

  mow the lawn ----> cut the grass

  much the same as last ----> change little

  mugs, bowls, and ladles ----> storage

  must ----> necessary

  must have been sleeping ----> was probably asleep

  My goodness! ----> be amazed at

  My legs have fallen asleep. ----> My legs are numb。

  mysteriously ----> accidental

  mystery ----> surprise // surprisingly

  naturally // spontaneously // not planned in advance ----> individual self expression

  nay ----> does not

  nearly finished ----> barely started

  necessary ----> facilitate

  need one more class to complete one‘s schedule ----> sign up for (course)

  nervous // shake all over ----> extremely anxious

  never mind ----> disregard

  never realize ----> mistake

  never retouched his prints or made copies of them ----> be unique

  new ----> another/different

  next ----> following // right away

  next month ----> at a late date

  next term // next time ----> in the future

  next year too ----> continue

  nice ----> good

  nice // exist only in one’s imagination ----> exceptionally good

  nightmare ----> avoid

  no end in sight ----> for a while

  no one can dispute the fact ----> undeniably

  no one is unwilling ----> everyone agree

  no pushover ----> very strict

  nobody ... not ----> everybody

  not ... all ----> share

  not ... alone ----> someone assist

  not ... amuse ----> serious

  not ... any major revisions ----> only a few changes

  not ... be up to // fill in for sb. ----> replace // substitute

  not ... both ----> only one

  not ... clean ----> dirty

  not ... think of ----> disagree

  not ... trouble ----> well

  not a single cloud ----> sunny

  not as much as experts have predicted ----> not as bad been anticipated as had

  Not at all. ----> Not a bit of it。

  not be compatible ----> reject

  not care for ----> dislike

  not count sb. out yet ----> sb. may still be able to do sth。

  not discourage/keep/prevent sb. from doing sth. ----> want sb. to continue sth。

  not do sth. until ... ----> do sth. later

  not everyone ----> some people

  not full ----> vacant

  not give up ----> continue

  not go unrewarded ----> be well repaid

  not have the time ----> too busy

  not hold the grudge // forget ----> forgive people

  not let it show ----> hide his feelings

  not likely // not much chance of that ----> doubt

  not likely rebroadcast ----> miss the chance

  not make much money // a small stipend ----> not pay very well

  Not much chance of that. ----> probably not do sth。

  not much longer // make time for sth. ----> go to someplace soon

  not much of a sth. fan // far from ... favorite ----> not like sth。

  not one student ----> nobody

  not oversleep // catch the flight // wake up call // front desk ----> hotel staff

  not play very well ----> poor play

  not really like ----> be dissatisfied

  not recognize sb. ----> Sb. looks different。

  not serious ----> all right

  not stand ----> hate

  not taste anything // not worth the wait ----> not very good

  not tell sth. apart ----> seem identical

  not think much of ----> disagree

  not unknown ----> have already heard of

  not wait until ----> early

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[新托福听力备考词汇介绍(2) ] 文章生成时间为:2015-03-01 03:47:24

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