以下就是留学360专家为大家介绍的有关gre填空教程思路解析的Section 1,准备gre填空复习的同学可以参考一下下面的gre填空题,希望对大家的gre填空复习有帮助。
1. Hydrogen is the _____ element of the universe in that it provides the building blocks from which the other elements are produced.
(A) steadiest
(B) expendable
(C) lightest
(D) final
(E) fundamental
解析: in that 表示因果关系,给了原因填入结果的题目。原因说其他的元素从Hydrogen生成,因此Hydrogen就是其他元素的基础,所以选择E选项基本的。表示基本的词,考试当中还经常考察rudimentary。注意这里面最后一句定语从句说from which……are produced,而没有说 which …..are produced from,是很规范的表达方式,一般如果定语从句引导词接介词要放在前面而不能放在后面,例如我们说 The documentary evidence on which historians relied is incomplete, 不要说The documentary evidence which historians relied on is incomplete.
答案: E
2. Few of us take the pains to study our cherished convictions; indeed, we almost have a natural _____ doing so.
(A) aptitude for
(B) repugnance to
(C) interest in
(D) ignorance of
(E) reaction after
解析: conviction这里面表示的是信念的意思,英文解释为a belief。 indeed表示递进关系,前后意思一致,我们没有人会去学习一些根深蒂固的想法,的确如此,我们不愿意学习,所以不愿意这样做,有这样意思的词就只有B选项,repugnance 表示厌恶,搭配介词to。表示厌恶的词汇,在考试中常考的还有aversion, distaste, loathing, disgust等。
注意ignorance表示的是无知(lacking knowledge )或者无意识(unaware)的意思。 要区分ignorant 和ignorable这两个同源形容词。
答案: B
3. It is his dubious distinction to have proved what nobody would think of denying, that Romero at the age of sixty-four writes with all the characteristics of _____.
(A) maturity
(B) fiction
(C) inventiveness
(D) art
(E) brilliance
解析: 本句的难点在于理解dubious distinction。WB词典有云:dubious- used ironically in phrases like and to describe something bad or undesirable as if it were an honor or achievement。所以不难解释dubious distinction的意思就是表面上好象是他的独到之处,其实是暗讽,这他妈你也好意思叫做distinction?所以一个64岁的人写出什么东西来才会让人觉得暗讽呢,就是maturity,而写出其他的都似乎可以算作是一种贡献。
一个网络的小例句: According to Musicmetric, which analyzes BitTorrent data, Daft Punk, Justin Timberlake and Flo Rida rounded out the top five musicians. Kanye West, Eminem, Jay Z, Drake and Pitbull also earned the dubious distinction of high illegal downloads.
答案: A
4. The primary criterion for _____ a school is its recent performance: critics are _____ to extend credit for earlier victories.
(A) evaluating .. prone
(B) investigating .. hesitant
(C) judging .. reluctant
(D) improving .. eager
(E) administering .. persuaded
短语be prone to 表示的易受……影响的,或者很可能.....这样一个意思。To be prone to something, usually something bad, means to have a tendency to be affected by it or to do it.
5. Number theory is rich in problems of an especially _____ sort: they are tantalizingly simple to state but _____ difficult to solve.
(A) cryptic.. deceptively
(B) spurious.. equally
(C) abstruse.. ostensibly
(D) elegant.. rarely
(E) vexing ..notoriously
解析:前面说数论(number theory)的很多问题都是哪一类的,后面说他们很容易陈述,却怎样不容易解决,那么应该顺承下去,两个空格应该填同方向的词汇。D选项rarely就不对了,一定填入的是不好解决。B选项spurious体现不出后面的难解决。 A选项deceptively和D选项ostensibly表示也是其实很好解决,只是看起来不好解决。 因此我们选择E。
注意ostensible的定义:seeming or said to be true or real but very possibly not true or real。 区分开ostensible 和 ostentatious ,后者表示的是炫耀的,卖弄的。表示炫耀卖弄的词还有诸如flamboyant, vainglorious, pompous, showy, pretentious.
答案: E
6. In failing to see that the justice‘s pronouncement merely _____ previous decisions rather than actually establishing a precedent, the novice law clerk _____ the scope of the justice’s judgment.
(A) synthesized.. limited
(B) overturned.. misunderstood
(C) endorsed.. nullified
(D) qualified.. overemphasized
(E) recapitulated.. defined
解析:In failing to 表示没能做什么,这种In doing sth. 放在句首,就可以理解为when的意思,表示时间状语。他没能看到法庭的审判仅仅是对之前判决的___而不是建立一个新的例子,这个刚来的人___法律的审判范围。既然不是建立新的,因此B就不对了,overturn表示推翻。C选项nullify表示使…无效,不符合句子意思,A和E选项动词的使用与所填入内容相反,他没有看到这些,所以不是定义和限制。因此我们选择D,过度夸大了审判的范围。
前面的qualify如何理解,是一个难点,这里我们取牛津词典中的意思to add something to a previous statement to make the meaning less strong or less general。 也就是说,法律的审判只能对之前的判决结果做适当的限定和调整,以适用于本次判决,而不能创造新的条例。这对于中国学生来说是一个较为不能理解的概念,这涉及到英美法系的判例法的概念,可以在百度上搜索一下英美法系来进行了解。[以下援引自百度百科:英美法系的主要特点是注重法典的延续性,以判例法(简单解释判例法就是以前怎么判,现在还是怎么判)为主要形式。]
答案: D
7. When theories formerly considered to be _____ in their scientific objectivity are found instead to reflect a consistent observational and evaluative bias, then the presumed neutrality of science gives way to the recognition that categories of knowledge are human _____.
(A) disinterested.. constructions
(B) callous.. errors
(C) verifiable.. prejudices
(D) convincing.. imperatives
(E) unassailable.. fantasies
解析: 注意短语give way to 表示 to be replaced by something else。相似的短语还有give rise to(造成,引起), give credence to(相信,接受)等。当之前被认为怎样的理论被发现其实反映出了bias偏见,那么人们假定的科学公正性的想法会被一个recognition所替代,那就是人类的知识其实是人类的一种什么。所以第一个空格应该体现出客观公正,因此只有A选项符合题意。
我们可以学习一个短语叫做fall into a category,表示东西相同。在新GRE-OG中有这样一句话。The narratives that vanquished peoples have created of their defeat have, according to Schivelbusch, fallen into several identifiable types, 也是一种相似的说法。
注意callous要和callow分开:callous表示的是冷酷无情,铁石心肠;callow 表示的是稚嫩不成熟。
表示客观公正的词在考试中频繁出现,常用的大家可以记住这几个:disinterested / dispassionate / detached / impartial / evenhanded / fair / objective / unbiased。
答案: A