1 backwater n. 一潭死水;沉寂不活跃;停滞
If you refer to a place or institution as a backwater, you think it is not developing properly because it is isolated from ideas and events in other places and institutions.
例句: The destruction of the western Roman Empire led to a political and economic fragmentation that made western Europe an economic backwater for half a millennium.
2 moonshine n. 空谈;纸上谈兵
晚上的月光亮起来了,别幻想了,打住吧!快看英文解释。moonshine 就是empty talk 的意思。
If you say that someone‘s thoughts, ideas, or comments are moonshine, you think they are foolish and not based on reality.
例句:The lesson taught by the crash and the Great Depression was that the glorious dream of a self-regulating economy, free of government intervention and supervision, was moonshine.
3 brainchild n. 辛苦想出来的点子;想法
Someone’s brainchild is an idea or invention that they have thought up or created.
例句: Facebook, the brainchild of Mark Zuckerberg while he was still studying at Harvard University, launched in February 2004.
4 deadpan adj. 面无表情的 n. 故意板脸搞笑
一个要死的平底锅?别逗了,这就是冰冰上课最常见的,板着脸!所以deadpan这个反义词,就是我们上课经常提到的demonstrative或者expressive。 demonstrative哪里见过?忘了小时代的经典片段了吗?undemonstrative panache!
而我们经常也会说deadpan humor。
Deadpan humor is when you appear to be serious and are hiding the fact that you are joking or teasing someone.
5 sidestep v. 回避,绕开
If you sidestep a problem, you avoid discussing it or dealing with it.
例句: In ways large and small, millions of people are taking active steps tosidestep the medical mainstream, whether by taking herbal remedies for diseases or by placing their hopes for a cure in alternative treatment.,