Advertising is very crucial for the launch of a brand new product, service or idea in the market. If the advertisement of any concerned product, service or idea is done correctly at a right place, through proper media, and within a particular time constraint, can attract many new customers. It helps to capture the market and increase sales of an advertiser. It is also essential for announcing an upcoming event. It acts as an open invitation that maximizes the chances of event attendance. However, if people are unaware of any such happening, they may not show up. As a result, the event may not get an expected response. Hence, it also contributes to the success of an event.
Very crucial 非常关键 【感受词搭】
At a right place 在正确的地方 【地点词搭】
Capture the market 抓住市场 【探索词搭-手脚】
An open invitation 一个公开邀请 【感受词搭】
Show up 出现 【探索词搭-手脚】