telephone exchange 电话局
telephone, phone 电话,电话机
fixed phone 家用电话,固定电话
fax 传真,传真机
automatic telephone 自动电话
wall phone 墙上电话
dial phone拨盘式电话
outside phone外线电话
emergency call紧急电话
toll-free call, 800 number 免费电话
hook 听筒挂叉
hammer 槌
plug 销
circuit 电路
connection, connexion 连接
selector 选择器
extension 分机
cable 电缆
token 代金牌,代币
telephone call, ring 打电话
local call 市内电话
telephoned telegram 电话电报
telephone directory, telephone book 电话号簿
area code, code number 地区代码
dialing tone 拨号音
to telephone, to call (up), to ring up,to make a phone call 通话,给...打电话
give somebody a call/ring 给某人打电话
to hold on 别挂上
call accounting system 电话自动记费系统
magnetic card telephone磁卡电话
caller ID 来电显示
call waiting 电话待接
telephone booth, telephone box 电话间,电话亭
cellular phone,cell phone,mobile phone,hand phone 手机
public phone,pay phone 公用电话
manual telephone 人工电话
desk phone 台式电话
touch phone按键式电话
interior phone内线电话
special line专线电话
hot line热线电话
interphone 内部电话,对讲机
receiver, earpiece 听筒
dial 号码盘
switch 开关,断路器
counter, meter 计数器
frequency 音频
disconnection, discon-nexion 断开
switchboard 交换台
line 电话线
telephone operator, operator 话务员
telephone subscriber 电话用户
long-distance call, trunk call 长途电话
reverse-charge call 受话人付款的电话
directory inquiries 地址簿
to dial a number 拨号
ring 电话铃响
engaged tone 占线音
to lift the telephone, to pick up the telephone 接电话
call/ring somebody 给某人打电话
put me through to... 我想找...
to hang up 挂上电话
credit card call 信用卡付费电话
telephone network 电话网
call divert 来电转移
answering machine 电话应答机