Do I need a reservation to go by ship? 我坐船去需要预定吗?
Are there any unreserved first class cabins? 还有没有头等舱的船票?
I want to reserve a berth for a second class cabin. 我想预订一张二等舱的卧铺票。
How much for a one-way ticket to Shanghai? 去上海的单程票多少钱?
How much does a round-trip ticket to Penghu cost? 一张去澎湖的往返票要多少钱?
Do you have any tickets available for tomorrow? 你们有明天的票吗?
What time dose the ship leave? 船什么时间启航?
I‘d like a refund on this ticket. 我要退这张票。
Where is this ship bound for? 这船是开往哪里的?
What time must I go on board? 我什么时候登船?
Let’s go on board! 我们上船吧!
Look! The ship is lifting anchor. 瞧,船起锚了。
Where is our cabin? 我们的船舱在哪儿?
Porter, please bring my baggage to my cabin. 服务生,请帮我把行李拿到我的船舱。
How many days dose it take to Kyushu? 到九州需要几天啊?
When will this ship enter the port? 船何时才能进港?
How many ports do we call at on our passage to Kyushu? 去九州一路上要停靠几个港口?
Dose the ship call at the port of Hong Kong? 船在香港会停吗?
Do you get seasick? 你晕船吗?
I think I have got seasick. 我有些晕船。