

  I‘d like to know how to use the library. Could you help me? 我想知道怎样使用图书馆,你能帮我吗?

  Of course. All you need is your student ID card to check out books and read magazines or journals in the library. 当然了,你只要有学生证,就能从图书馆借书,在图书馆里阅读杂志或期刊。

  How many books am I allowed to check out at a time? 我一次可以借几本书?

  You can check out two books at a time. But you can’t check out magazines or journals; they have to be read within library. 一次两本,但杂志和期刊是不能外借的,你只能在图书馆里阅读。

  How long can I keep the books? 我可以借多长时间?

  For one month. If you can‘t return the book in time, you`ll be fined. But if you renew them, you can keep them longer. 一个月,如果你不按时还书就会被罚款,但如果你办理续借,就可以保留更长时间。

  I see. Now I want to check out two books on Chinese literature. Can you show me where I can find them? 明白了,我现在想借两本有关中国文学的书,你能告诉我在哪儿可以找到吗?

  Yes, over there to your right. 可以,在你右边。

  Thank you very much. 非常感谢。

  You’re welcome. 不用谢。

  I‘m doing a research paper on Cross-cultural communication. Could you give me some suggestions on where I should go to find some good information? 我在写关于跨文化交流的研究论文,你能给我建议一下我该到哪儿找些有用的资料吗?

  Will you be looking for general information or have you selected a more definite topic? 你是要找一般性资料,还是已经选定了具体的题目?

  I need some general information. 我想要些一般性资料。

  All books are classified according to the subject matter? 所有的书都按主题分类?

  All the books are listed in the card catalogue. Now, however, you can find all of the books listed in the computer and it gives you more information than the card catalogue, too. It will let you know if the book you are looking for is currently available. 所有图书都列在卡片目录上,不过,现在你可以在电脑里找到所有书,与卡片目录相比,电脑给你的信息更多,它能告诉你要找的书现在有没有,如果这个图书馆没有,它会告诉你哪个地区的图书馆有。

  I’ve never used the computer for finding a book. Is it hard to use? 我从来没有用电脑找过书,复杂吗?

  No, it‘s quite simple. The instructions are there beside the computer. You won’t have any trouble. 非常简单,操作说明就在电脑旁边,一点都不麻烦。

  Thank you so much for your help! 太谢谢你了!

  That‘s my job. 这是我的工作。


  Can I give you a hand please? 我能帮您吗?

  I want to tackle a card for borrowing books. 我想办个借书证。

  I want to apply for a new library card. 我想新办张图书卡。

  All ringt, you need pay 200 yan for a adult card and pay 100 yan for a juvenile card or pay 50 yan for a reading card. 可以,办理成人证需交200元,办理少年证需交100元或办理阅览证需交50元。

  OK, I need 20 yuan, your ID card, and photo, please. 好的,二十元,再把身份证和照片给我。

  Oh, I thought the card was free. 噢,我还以为卡是免费的呢。

  Yes, it is. But you must pay a deposit for the card. 是免费的。但你得给卡交点儿押金。

  There’s a refund when I return the card, right? 退卡的话押金能拿回来吧?

  Yes, if the card is well kept and has no dirt and scratches. 对,只要卡完好,没被弄脏也没有划痕。

  OK, I shall prepare a reading card.好吧,我来办个阅览证。

  Well, please fill out this card. 哦,请填写这张卡片。

  This is your card, please.这是你的证。

  Thank you, bye-bye. 谢谢你,再见!


  What may I do for you? 我能帮你做些什么吗?

  This is the first time I visit a library. 这是我第一次来图书馆。

  I want to find a book for my term paper. 我想找一些学期论文的参考书。

  I‘m doing some research on Roman civilization. Do you have any books on the subject? 我在做一些关于罗马文明方面的研究,有这方面的书吗?

  Will you tell me how to do about it? 请问我该怎么做?

  Sure, first, please consult the card catalogue or the computer over there. The catalogues are in the alphabetical order, either by author, title of the book or content. The computer is easy to use, just typing the keyword of the book, and information will be popping out. 嗯。首先,查询卡片目录或者用电脑查询相关书籍。目录是按字母顺序排列,或者按作者、书名或者内容。用电脑很方便,直接输入书籍的关键字,就会为您罗列出相关书籍信息。

  I see. What shall I do next? 明白了,那接下来该怎么做?

  Next, please drop down the card number of the book you want, fill in the call slip, and leave the slip with me. 接下来,将你想借的书的单号填写在索书单上,然后给我。

  Is there “Red Star over China” in your library? 好的,你们馆里有《西行漫记》这本书吗?

  Sorry, this book is out. 对不起,这本书借出去了。

  Sorry, we have no the book. 对不起,我们没有这本书。

  Can I check this one out? 这本可以外借吗?

  I’m sorry. It’s for reference only, so it must stay in the library. But you’re welcome to look through it. 对不起,这本只是参考书,不能外借。但是你可以查阅。

  Could you lend me a book named “the BIG WOLF”? 能借我一本“大灰狼”吗?

  Oh, it is over there. 哦,在那儿。

  Can I borrow the book if it is still in the stack? 书架上的书我都能借吗?

  Sure. 当然。

  How many books can I borrow today? 我今天可以借几本书?

  Two at most. 最多两本。

  you can borrow ten books once. 一次可以借10本。

  How long can I keep it? 我能借多长时间?

  Half a month or 4 weeks. 半个月或者四星期。

  By the time you can renew the book.Otherwise, you need pay extended forfeit. 到时你可以续借,否则,须交超期罚款。

  Excuse me, can you tell me the provide about your extended forfeid? 劳驾,你能跟我说说你们超期罚款是怎样规定的吗?

  Two jiao a day. 一天两角。

  I see,that‘s good. 我知道了,好的。

  I understand. Thank you very much for your help. 我明白了,谢谢你的帮助。

  I’ll make sure they`re back in time. Thanks so much. 我保证会及时还的,非常感谢。

  You‘re welcome. 不客气。


  Good afternoon, may I help you? 下午好,请问有什么可以帮忙的吗?

  I’d like to return these books, please. 我想还这些书。

  I want to return these magazines. 我来还杂志。

  Sure, your magazines are overdue, Sir. You will have to pay some fine. 好的。先生,你借得杂志没有按时归还,所以得支付罚款。

  I‘m afraid you have two overdue. 恐怕有2本过期了。

  I’m sorry, but I didn‘t know. 很抱歉,我不知道。

  Really? Ok. Before I forget. 真的吗?可能我忘了吧。

  All regulations are printed on your library card. I’m afraid you have to pay a fine. 所有规定都印在书证上面,恐怕你须付罚款了。

  Do I? How much is it? 是吗? 罚多少钱?

  Three dollars and fifty cents. 3.5美元。

  Can I renew this national geographic? 我可以给它延期吗?

  Sure, you can keep it for another four weeks after renewal. 可以,延期过后四星期之内归还就可以。

  This is my library card. 这是我的借书证。


  Excuse me, bags aren‘t permitted inside the reading room. 抱歉,您不能把书包带进阅览室。

  Oh, I’m sorry. 哦,不好意思。

  Don‘t worry. Just check-in your bag before entering. 没关系的。进去前存一下包就好了。

  Thanks. Where can I check-in my bag? 谢谢。存包处在哪儿?

  It’s to your right. 就在您右边。


  Large Bags Are Not Permitted In Reading Room Or Galleries. 禁止携带大包进入阅览室或画廊。

  Bags Larger Than 30cm X 40cm X 10cm Are Not Permitted In library. 禁止携带超过30cm X 40cm X 10cm的大包进入图书馆。

  No Eating Or Drinking. 禁止饮食。

  No Mobile Phone. 禁止使用手机。

  Self-Service Locker. 自助寄存柜。

  Locker Rent Here. 存包锁柜出租。

  Touch Here To Start. 按钮这里启动。

  Accepts Gold Coins & Notes. 接受硬币和纸币。

  Coins $2-$1 Only. 只接受一美元和两美元硬币。

  Lockers Are Multiple Entry. 锁柜可以多次开关。

  Access Your Locker As Often As You Like. 你想开几次就开几次。

  Please Remember Your Locker Number. 记住你的锁柜号码。

  For Locker Customer Service Please Call... 要与锁柜客服联系请拨打电话...

  Welcome To The Library Of ... 欢迎来到本馆的...

  Welcome To This Reading Room. 欢迎进入本阅览室。

  Welcome To Journals & Magazines. 欢迎来到期刊杂志室。

  Please Show Your Valid Id. 请出示有效证件。

  Quiet Room. 保持本室安静。

  Protect Books. 请爱护书籍。

  Reshelf The Books You Don‘t Need. 请将未选中的书放回原处。

  Please Do Not Re-Shelve The Books. 请把图书放归书架原处。

  Please Allow Us To Re-Shelve The Books For You. Books May Be Left On Trolley Provided. 请将书籍放入手推车中,由我们负责放回书架。

  Please Put The Drawer Back Into Its Original Place. 请将目录屉放回原处。

  Please Return Books On Time. 请注意按时还书。

  Free Wireless Access For Registered Library Users. 本机供注册登记用户免费无线上网。

  Users With Disabilities Have Priority On This PC. 残疾人优先使用电脑。

  60-Minutes Access PC. 限用60分钟电脑。

  Please Limit Use Of This PC To 60 Minutes. 使用该机请控制在60分钟内。

  These PCs Are Reserved For Internet Use And Library Catalogue Access 10 Minutes Limit During Busy Time. 这些个人计算机专门用于连接因特网或查询图书馆目录使用,高峰时间只能使用10分钟。

  Public area 公众区

  VIP area 贵宾区

  These Tables Are Reserved For Children And Families. 孩子和家庭专用桌。

  This Table & Chair Are Reserved For Smart Carte Staff Only. 优惠卡职员专用桌椅。

  Staff Only. 员工专用。

  Staff Work Area. 工作人员工作区域。

  Authorized Access Only. 闲人莫入。

  Pornographic Website Visit Prohibited. 禁止浏览黄色网站。

  Please Direct Any Inquiries To Staff In This Room. 有事请咨询本室工作人员。


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[在图书馆的常用句子] 文章生成时间为:2014-07-01 21:17:38

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