Opening an account 开户
I would like to open an account 我要开户
What kind of account do you want? 你要开什么样的账户
A current account 活期存款账户
A checking account 活期存款账户
A deposit account 存款账户
How much interest will I get with this account? 我可以得到多少利息?
Which account gives the highest interest rate? 哪样的账户得到最高的利息
What fees will I be charged? 怎么收费?
There is a maintenance fee of $100 per annum 账户年费100元
Please give us proof of address 请提供住址证明
Transfering money 汇钱
I would like to transfer money back to China 我要汇一笔钱到中国
Would you like a wire transfer? 你要汇钱吗
I want to send it by banker’s draft 我要用银行汇票发的
There will be a fee of 10 pounds 你得付10英镑费用
Which account shall we send it to?转进什么账号?
What is their account number 他的账号号码是什么?
I want a credit card 我要一张信用卡
APR 年利率
Pin number 密码
You can change your PIN at an ATM 你可以在自动柜员机更改你的密码
Balance transfer 余额结转
Credit limit 信用额度
Issuing bank 发卡银行
Problems 特殊情况
I want to report a stolen credit card 我要报信用卡失窃
The cash machine didn’t give me my money 机器没出钱
The transaction was declined 交易受拒
Getting a loan 贷款
What’s the interest rate? 利息率是多少
Mortgage 房贷
Credit check 核对信用度
Credit rating 信用评级
Depositing money 存款
Hi, I would like to deposit some money 我要存款
Please fill in this slip 请填写存款表
Paying-in slip 存款表
Please print the amount 请用大写字母写
Check (美) 支票
Foreign exchange 外币兑换
See the sign 请看标牌(汇率表)
Bureau De Change 外币兑换柜台
Forex 外币兑换
You are overdrawn 你透支的了
How much can I go overdrawn without a fee 我能免费透支多少钱?