例一:Why doesthe professor say this?
A. To offer a hint about the answer to a question he asked
B. To clarify a question that a student asked
C. To find out whether students understand question he asked
To find out whether students understand an important comparison hemade
Mostly iron?
Yeah… iron andsome nickel, both of which are metals. And, if you‘re trying to find metal?
Oh! Metal detectors!
And, if you’re trying to find metal?”
教授抛出来了半句话,然后是升调,也就是问句语气,是在引导学生回答后半句,学生的确回答了:“Oh! Metal detectors!”就是为了引导学生得出答案,教授谈到一个奇怪的现象就是大量存在的石头陨石很难被找到,相比之下还有一种金属陨石容易被找到。教授引导学生希望学生得出相关答案。然后学生说出了金属探测器一说。
例二:Why doesthe professor say this?
A. To indicate that he understands why the student may be confused
B. To emphasize that the student has asked a very important question
C. To remind the student that she may know the answer to her ownquestion
D. To invite other members of the class to answer the question
But, professor, are you sure these are poems? I mean I thought poemswere shorter; these were more like long stories. I mean one of them must allabout love, but the other one the Chan…Chan…whatever itcalled, the other one; it’s all about fighting and battles. I mean can both of them beconsidered to be poems?
Well, think back to the very beginning of this course.
例三:What doesthe professor imply when he says this :
A. The current age estimates for the South Pole-Aitken Basin are based onincorrect assumptions.
B. The technology to analyze Moon rocks has not advanced much sincethe days of the Moon landings
C. Too few of the original Moon-rock samples were dated accurately
D. Only by testing samples from South Pole-Aitken Basin can its agebe precisely determined
But if we know around how old the Basin is, I’m not sure that’s reason enough to go to the Moonagain.
No…, but suchcrude estimates…um…we can do better than that.Besides, there are other