Englishstudents at any level will no doubt discover that English has anextremely “interesting,” but often times confusing spellingsystem. Here are some weirdEnglish words thatyou need to watch out for when studying, along with some patternsthat will help you understand English spelling a little better andimprove your writing skills.
Theamount of words with unusual spellings is almost impossible to count,but let’s go over some important spelling patterns and anomaliesthat you will need to know to get a firm grasp of the English writingsystem.
Through,Dough, Enough
Now,this is a very interesting case. All three of these wordsclearly use the ough suffix,and as you probably know thegh soundof the word isn’t pronounced like the g of giraffe.
这是一个非常有趣的例子。所有这三个单词显然都使用了ough 这个后缀,你或许知道这些单词中gh的发音与giraffe(长颈鹿)中的g 不同。
Butwhat makes the spellings of these words even weirder is that each ofthese words has a completely different pronunciation, even thoughthey all end with ough. You would think all these words should rhyme, but in reality theyactually sound quite different from each other.
Through(Throo) Theroad passes through avalley.
Dough(Doe)You need dough inorder to make bread.
Enough--(Enuf) Ihave enough sodasfor everyone at the party.
Plateau,Bureau, Gateau
Hereis another set of interesting spellings. The part that confusesa lot of English students is the combination of two vowels toform eau, andhow to correctly pronounce it. Now, here’s somethingintriguing: If you put these three vowels together, they end upsounding like a 4th vowel (o).
Plateau(Plaat-o) Thepeace process had reached a plateau.
Bureau(Byur-o)I work at the National Bureau ofStatistics.
Gateau(Gaat-o)My grandmother made me a chocolate gateau formy birthday.
Themain feature of these words is the x consonantat the beginning of each word. X alonehas a sound more similar to the sound eks,but when it is put in front of words, it usually makes the sound z.
这些词的主要特点是辅音x 位于每个单词的开头。X 本身的发音类似于eks,但当它被放置在单词首字母时,它通常发音为z。
Xylophone(Zai-la-fone) Iused to play the Xylophone whenI was in high school.
Xenophobia(Zee-na-fobe-eea) Xenophobia isa major issue that needs to be addressed.
Thesewords both end with a bt butinstead of making a bit or bet soundwhen you read them aloud, the b iscompletely silent!
这两个单词都以bt结尾,但你在朗读时要注意b是完全不发音的,不要读成bit 或者 bet 音。
Doubt (Dowt)I doubt hisability to do his job.
Debt(Det)I’ve finally paid off all of my debts.
Critique,Torque, Mosque
Inthis situation, the key understanding how que ispronounced. You might think it’s pronounced similar tothe que in queen,but it really only creates a k soundat the end of a word:
在这种情况下,关键是了解que 要如何发音。你可能会认为它的发音与queen中的que 类似,但实际上在词尾它只产生一个k的音:
Critique(Cri-teek)He has asked me to critique hisartwork.
Torque(Tork) Thethree-litre engine has lots of torque.
Mosque(Mosk)Thereis a beautiful green mosque inour city.
Know,Knight, Knife
Thisis arguably the most odd spelling that English learners willencounter. When Kn isplaced in front of a word, it almost always is read out as N andthe letter K becomessilent.
这些大概是英语学习者将会遇到的最奇怪的拼写。当Kn放置在一个单词的词首时,它总是发音成 N,而K不发音。
Know(No) Idon’t know whatthis means.
Knight--(Nite) The knight leftthe castle to look for the princess.
Knife--(Nife)Please out the knife down[1] [2] .
Colonel,Island, Receipt
Nowthese three words are weird in their own unique ways:
Receipt isanother example of a word with a silent letter (in this case theletter p)and this is similar to the words debt and doubt mentionedearlier.
Receipt (收据)是不发音字母(在这个情形下,字母P)的又一个例子,这与之前提到的debt 和doubt情况类似。
Island alsocontains a silent letter, and this silent letter is s.
However,the weirdest of these three words is colonel. This is because colonel actuallyis pronounced quite differently than how it’s spelled; the olo partof colonel ispronounced as er!
Island(岛屿)也包含了一个不发音的字母 s。然而。这三个单词中最奇怪的是colonel一词。这是因为colonel的发音实际上与它的拼写截然不同; colonel中的olo的部分发音为er!
Colonel(Kernal)He was a high ranking colonel inthe navy.
Island(I-land)Jamaica is a beautiful island inthe Caribbean Sea.
Receipt(Reseet) Iwas given a receipt afterI bought my groceries.
Whydo these words have weird spellings?
Briefly,English words have been borrowed from other languages, and have alsokept their original spellings and pronunciations. In other words, when you speak English, you often speak a couplewords of French, Latin, Greek, some Arabic and many other languages.
WhenEnglish borrows a word from another language, it’s often difficultto change its spelling to make it suitable with the language, andthus the word will maintain its spelling. Examples ofthis are bureau, plateau and gateau,which all have French origins and still maintain their Frenchspellings.
当英语从其他语系中借用一个单词时,往往很难改变它的拼写规则使其适合自己的语言,所以这个词仍保持自己的拼写规则。这个情形下有很多例子:bureau, plateau 和 gateau,它们都源自于法语,而且还保留着法语的拼写规则。
However,as a language evolves, the ways we speak words change, as well. For instance, in the case mentioned of knight and know,there once was a time when the K ofthese words was actually pronounced! But as spoken English changed,people decided to ignore the k soundin the front of these words, but this didn’t mean the spellings ofthese words changed.
然而,随着一个语言的发展,我们说单词的方式也在改变。例如,前面提到的knight和 know,曾经有一段时间这些单词中的K 是发音的!但由于英语口语的改变,人们决定忽略单词词首K 的发音,可这并不意味着这些词的拼写规则也改变。
Thereare often huge debates on the origins of various words, but that’sa topic for another day. The fact of the matter remains,English is a beautiful but complex language, and one of its majorcomplexities is its spelling system.
对于大部分单词的起源历来有很大的争议,但那个话题我们改天再聊。 现在事情的事实是,英语是一个美丽而复杂的语言,而其主要的复杂性之一就是它的拼写体系。
Sohow are you supposed to remember all these unusual spellings? Well, the short answer is, you just kind of have to know them! Just like in any other language, memorization is almost always theonly way to remember anomalies. And try this:
1.Read as much as you can.
2.Write short passages.
3.Immerse yourself in the wealth of the vocabulary English has tooffer.
Spellingis no easy thing, but it is something that can easily be improvedupon if you have the motivation to practice every day.
Ifyou know any other weird English words with really unusual spellings,make sure to leave a comment. Good luck!