英语中河流名称中river一词通常在前面,如River Thames;而美语中则通常在后面,如Colorado River。
英语中称呼语可以前置,但职务描述则不可,如President Roosevelt;Winston Churchill, the Prime Minister和Mr Jones, the team’s coach;而在美语中则可前置,如President Roosevelt;Prime Minister Churchill和Coach Jones。
英语非正式口语中sat可以取代sitting和seated,如I’ve been sat waiting for half an hour; The bride’s family will be sat on the right-hand side of the church;而美语则不可。
英语中with不用做副词;美语中很多地区则可以说I’ll come with而不是I’ll come along。
英语中as well在正式程度上不如美语中。
英语中多用have来虚指动作,如I’d like to have a bath; She’s having a little nap;而美语中则多用take,如Joe’s taking a shower; Let’s take a short vacation。
英语中虚拟语气的as if/as though【He talks as if he knew everything】在美语中可用like替代【He talks like he knew everything】。
英语中虚拟语气的was【He talks as if he was rich】在美语中通常用were【He talks like he were rich】。
英语中通常把one作为代词从始至终使用【One must love one’s country】;而美语中则在后面换为his/her、him/her、he/she等【One must love his/her country】。
英语说He has probably arrived now和I’m seldom late for work;而美语则说He probably has arrived now和I seldom am late for work。
英国人的half eight【half past eight】时间表达方式往往让美国人不知道是八点半还是七点半【他们通常说eight-thirty】。
英语中的twice在美语中可以说成two times。